Path to Productivity

Some days your job feels like coordinating a toddler flash mob, and others you're putting out more fires than the NYPD.
Imagine this: projects are completed on time, everyone knows what to work on, and Fridays are always half days. We can help get you there.
Young people meeting with digital tablet

Our Programs

We focus on the core areas of your business that will have the greatest impact on long-term success:
standardized processes, project management, and change management. 

Productivity Reboot Camp

Need an entire operations reset? The Productivity Reboot Camp combines our System Development, ClickUp Implementation, and Change Management Plan.

Ideal for Orgs that:
  • Have little to no systems or processes
  • Need a centralized project management tool
  • Have a history of resistance to change
What you'll Get:
  • Everything from Systems Dev
  • Everything from ClickUp + tech stack evaluation
  • Everything from Change Management
  • 6 months of post-launch support

Process Development

Does everyone march to the beat of their own drum, with unclear next steps and expectations?

Ideal for Orgs that:
  • Have little to no systems or processes
  • Know they need help, but don't know where to start
  • Have several single-points-of-failure
What you'll Get:
  • Key systems and processes identified
  • Value stream mapping
  • Systems development and documentation
  • Training and roll-out support 

ClickUp Services

ClickUp is a project & task management platform to run your organization, collaborate internally and/or with clients, and manage all of your work.

Ideal for Orgs that:
  • Have documented systems or processes
  • Need a centralized project management tool
  • Want to up their productivity game
What you'll Get:
  • First-time user? Onboarding and implementation
  • Already using ClickUp? Workspace audit, workflow optimization, new feature roll-outs
  • Training sessions for admins and users
  • Post-Launch support

Project Management

Do missed deadlines, disorganized information, and miscommunication plague your organization?

Ideal for Orgs that:
  • Are using excel, email, post it notes, and text messages to manage projects
  • No one knows who is working on what projects and tasks
  • Project execution is inconsistent
  • Status updates and reports take hours to prepare
What you'll Get:
  • A scalable, reliable PM system
  • Aligned communication and resources
  • Project templates for repeatable work
  • Real-time dashboards for updates and reports

Change Management

How many times have you made an organizational change and it doesn’t stick?

Ideal for Orgs that:
  • Have a history of resistance to change
  • Can't figure out why change doesn't stick
What you'll Get:
  • A clear understanding of why change is met with resistance
  • A change management plan to ensure future success
  • Leadership training to implement the plan


strategic goals
strategic goals

Which program is right for you?

Don't see exactly what you are looking for? Give us a shout and we can design a custom plan to fit you needs.



Don't you hate that hide and seek game some companies play with prices? It's like they've hidden it in a digital treasure chest guarded by a ferocious 'contact us for a quote' dragon. Yea...we're not fans of that game either. We're all about honesty and transparency, so check out our prices.


It's Not a Pipe Dream

Entrepreneurship can be as glamorous as you dreamed.
Our team of productivity nerds are here to help.

End the Chaos